Historic Paint Finishes Report: The Original Finishes of the Verandah House, Corinth, Mississippi
Results of Removal of 1921-1929 entablature elements
The entablatures of Rooms 101, 102 and 104 are all additions made in 1921-1929 and should be removed in their entirety to restore the appearance of the interior in 1857. It was hoped the removal of the entablature elements might disclose early finish material, including early wallpaper. Room 101 was the most promising location since the entablature was installed in the 1921-1929 renovations; the entablature in Room 102 may be later.
In any event, the removal of the lower molding of the entablature did not show any evidence of paper. The light brown finish seen below dates to the twentieth century and would have been the color (the paint color is discolored by changes in the medium).
Photograph provided by Ms. Rosemary Williams, Chairman
Siege and Battle of Corinth Commission, Corinth, Mississippi
It is possible that some additional information may be provided as the rest of the added elements of the 1921-1929 renovations are removed, however, the restoration may proceed based on the surviving evidence found in this report and the report by LCA Associates.
Siege and Battle of Corinth Commission, Corinth, Mississippi
It is possible that some additional information may be provided as the rest of the added elements of the 1921-1929 renovations are removed, however, the restoration may proceed based on the surviving evidence found in this report and the report by LCA Associates.