The Verandah House in the 1880s

Between 1884 and 1887, Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine ran a series of articles on the Civil War. These accounts of all the war’s major campaigns, written by veterans from both sides and of all ranks, were accompanied with over 1,700 illustrations. All this material was reworked into book form, and published in 1888 as the classic Battles and Leaders of the Civil War (B&L).

This pen image by artist/illustrator Walter J. Fenn, entitled “Corinth Dwellings,” was drawn as part of the engraving process for B&L, from photographs taken in the mid 1880s. The original drawing is 18 ¾” by 13 3/16” and is signed W. J. Fenn. It appeared in the Century edition of October, 1886, and on Volume I, page 580 of B&L.

Verandah House, 1880s

[Pen image by illustrrator Walter J. Fenn]