Corinth in the Civil War

Corinth served as one of the significant focal points of the war. The small town play host to roughly 400,000 soldiers, as well as more than 200 general officers, from both National and Confederate armies. More than 100 battles, engagements, skirmishes, and raids occurred within 50 miles of the strategic crossroads of the community. These combats inflicted great carnage on the armies and destroyed resources.”

 -NPS Park Ranger Stacy Allen, “Crossroads of the Western Confederacy,” Blue and Gray Magazine reprint, p. 60.

Retreat of the Confederates from Corinth, Miss., and entry of the Federal army–The advance of General Halleck compelled the evacuation from Corinth by the Confederates who departed by night after firing the town at all important places and blowing up the magazines. Sketch by Henry Lovie. (Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, June 21, 1862)